destinations thoughts and dreams

Tranquil India

January 6, 2018

Tranquil. Not a word we normally associate with India. But beyond the often discussed hustle and bustle, chaos, dust and noise there is indeed a laid-back side to the sub continent. I came to India this year to unwind having had a stressful few months and found that even in Bangalore, the hectic hub of a city that seems to grow by the day, it is possible to relax.

Dawn. Stars are veiled by a thin blanket of mist, the moon toe-nail thin. The last bats glide away as they are replaced by their morning counterparts, the birds. Prayers and bells from a temple nearby ring in the new day.

Morning. Birdsong is everywhere, echoing from the palm trees, from the rooftops. The sun’s rays reach forward like outstretched fingers, slowly touching the flowers, still dewy from the fog. I watch from the balcony as the sky goes from rose to the palest of blue.

Midday. An iridescent blue kingfisher flits among the hibiscus flowers, a stunning contrast to their luscious red. A single petal floats on the pool’s still water. Hawks dive, soar and call before coming to rest in a coconut tree. I sit in the shade, and close my eyes.

Afternoon. Construction, car horns, motorbikes. Their noises blur into the heat haze, a buzz in the distance. Palm leaves rustle. Ladies stroll by outside, their presence given away by their slippers and anklets. Crickets chirp and hum, parakeets chatter. I sit on the rattan swing, and listen.

Evening. The glow from an oil lamp, the crackle from the stove. Mosquitoes whine, a fan whirs lazily.

Night. India never rests- life goes on. Outside the gates is a hectic world any time of day, and even more so after dark. Stray dogs bark, motorbikes weave among the traffic. Hot oil is poured into pans and spicy snacks are served in rickety shops. Cows wander, children run and laugh, construction workers begin the night shift.

But if that is all too much, there is always calm somewhere. From the balcony, you can see lights that shine into the distance where once there was nothing. I close the door, and the only noise is the AC.

That’s the beauty of India, you can relax and still be immersed in the place. You never forget where you are.

All photos my own and shot on the iPhone 8. If you want more action in India, have a read about an adventurous train trip I did last year.

Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend xx 



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  • Maya Kuijper January 8, 2018 at 6:21 am

    I really enjoyed this post, such a nice perspective 🙂

    • Layla January 8, 2018 at 7:22 am

      thanks for reading friend xx

  • subha January 8, 2018 at 12:06 pm

    A very different view of India. I agree – both sides are there, if you take the time to find it!
    Great photos too – your iPhone did the job very well!

    • Layla January 8, 2018 at 7:15 pm

      thank you 🙂 yes, its got a great camera

  • Bert January 10, 2018 at 1:49 pm

    Wow, the complex seems to be surrounded by high rise buildings now, what a contrast. I always enjoy how you describe the different atmosphere.
    Like the photos!

    • Layla January 11, 2018 at 9:45 am

      yeah each time there are more buildings. i forgot you haven’t visited in a while!